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Micronutrient Test

Time to dial in your nutrient levels and know what you actually need to be supplementing with + focusing on with food!


Unlock your body's potential with micronutrient testing

Ever wonder if your body’s running on a full tank? A micronutrient test is like a check-up for all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive. Whether you’re feeling tired, struggling with brain fog, or just not performing your best, this test helps uncover what you might be missing. 

It’s the perfect way to take the guesswork out of your health and give your body exactly what it needs to feel amazing!

Testing for both serum and intracellular levels of micronutrients is essential for getting the full picture of your health. Serum levels show what’s currently circulating in your bloodstream, giving a snapshot of recent nutrient intake. But intracellular levels go deeper, revealing what’s actually being absorbed and utilized by your cells. Without this dual perspective, critical imbalances can be missed.

By understanding both, we can pinpoint deficiencies more accurately and create a personalized plan to truly optimize your health from the inside out.

This micronutrient test tests for:

  • All vitamins
  • All minerals
  • All amino acids

Everyone should be taking this test annually.

Once we get the results, we'll be able to figure out:

  • If you need any supplements for deficiencies. This will help us narrow in on the dose of it too.
  • What foods you need to add more into your diet. We want to ensure that your supply of this nutrient comes naturally as possible.
  • Cellular absorption. Nutrients floating around in your blood is great, but are they making it inside the cell? We'll know if we need to support your cellular membrane.
  • If you are taking any medications that typically deplete nutrients in some capacity, we'll see if it's making an impact and get ahead of it.
  • Knowing your nutrients can also give us insight on gut health absorption or other lifestyle habits that can impact your nutrient levels.

Micronutrient levels are all about supply and demand.

Think of it like a balance sheet for your health—supply shows how many vitamins and minerals are being given to your body, while demand reflects how much your body is using. When the demand outweighs the supply, deficiencies can develop, even if your diet seems balanced. And vice versa - when supply is low, it can create deficiencies. Or you could have a double whammy that gives little supply and have high demand.


This testing helps us uncover where your body needs extra support, ensuring you have the right nutrients in the right amounts to meet your body’s unique needs and keep everything running smoothly. Schedule an intro call with our team to see if this test is something we need to do on your game-plan!

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